Top Half-Term activities in Cheshire

  • 18 Feb 2019
  • 1 minute

Parents looking to keep their children entertained this half-term might be interested in getting them involved in outdoor pursuits in Cheshire, allowing them to get fresh air and burn off some energy.

Parents looking to keep their children entertained this half-term might be interested in getting them involved in outdoor pursuits in Cheshire, allowing them to get fresh air and burn off some energy.

Here are a few events taking place over the school break in the region, so you can take advantage of the mild weather and keep your kids busy.

Den building at Beeston Castle

Lots of children love to build dens, so encourage your kids to get back to nature by taking them to Beeston Castle.

Within the 40-acre park, they can get involved with its Nature Craft event between February 16th and 24th. Here, they can take part in several activities, including making a bird’s nest, clay hedgehog or apple bird feeder, as well as constructing an impressive den in its beautiful woodland area.

Deer feeding at Tatton Park

If your little ones love animals as much as being outdoors, head to Tatton Park in Knutsford.

On February 19th and 20th, they have the opportunity to take a trailer ride with the rangers throughout the grounds and watch the deer being fed.

The park is notorious for its hundreds of deer, and this is a chance to get up close to the beautiful herd.

Winter Woollies Family Trail at Dunham Massey

Another popular activity this half-term is the Winter Woollies Family Trail at Dunham Massey. Adults and children are encouraged to keep an eye out for finches by looking for their tiny hats, scarves, jumpers and mittens that have been hidden among Dunham Massey’s trees.

The National Trust site is famous for its garden trails, and this is a great one for kids who want to complete the activity, learn a bit about birds, and receive a prize at the end.